Rolling the Left Hand "The First Nowell"


Don't rush...only move on when you are ready!

Download Printable Checkoff Sheet (PDF): Rolling The Left Hand - The First Nowell

*Checkpoints can be divided into daily, weekly or monthly lessons. Choose a speed that works for you.

Checkpoint 1 - Listen

This is a track of me (Wade McNutt) playing "The First Nowell". Listen only to my left hand. Notice how it "rolls" from lower notes to higher notes.

Link to ALL 7 Videos

  1. Listen (Video 1)

Checkpoint 2 - Left Hand Workout

Through the video series I not only teach the Left Hand part but also the melody. If you only want to work on the left hand then don't worry about the melody and just play the left hand part.

Throughout the videos I will give you many options with your left hand:

  • 1 5
  • 1 1(8)
  • 1 5 1
  • 1 5 9
  • 1 5 3(10)

*The goal is to analyze what I do and start to apply it to other songs you play. If you do not know any other songs then I recommend learning the melody part along with these videos.

  1. Intro (Video 2) (not necessary if you are not learning the song)
  2. Verse Part 1 (Video 3)

Checkpoint 3

  1. Verse Part 2 (Video 4)
  2. Verse Part 3 (Video 5)

Checkpoint 4 - Chorus

  1. Chorus (Video 6)
  2. Play Through (Video 7)