Country Style Overview
"Boot Scootin'!"
Download Printable Checkoff Sheet (PDF): CLICK HERE
*Checkpoints can be divided into daily, weekly or monthly lessons. Choose a speed that works for you.
Checkpoint 1 - Keys and Groove
There are common keys and a groove to play country songs in. You may have to change keys...if your lead singer is a "DIVA"!
- Country Keys (1 video)
- Country Groove (1 video)
Checkpoint 2 - Pentatonic Scale and Solo Tips
These patterns and tricks will give you the correct country sound for fills and soloing.
- Pentatonic Scale (1 video)
- Solo Tips (1 video)
Checkpoint 3 - Octave Trick and Left Hand
Two more great tips on sounding country. Start incorporating these into your playing right now!
- Add the Octave (1 video)
- Country Left Hand (1 video)
*You'll see these tricks and patterns come alive when you start to play through the "In The Style" songs. Git 'er done!