Country Style Overview


"Boot Scootin'!"

Download Printable Checkoff Sheet (PDF): CLICK HERE

*Checkpoints can be divided into daily, weekly or monthly lessons. Choose a speed that works for you.

Checkpoint 1 - Keys and Groove

There are common keys and a groove to play country songs in.  You may have to change keys...if your lead singer is a "DIVA"!

  1. Country Keys (1 video)
  2. Country Groove (1 video)

Checkpoint 2 - Pentatonic Scale and Solo Tips

These patterns and tricks will give you the correct country sound for fills and soloing.

  1. Pentatonic Scale (1 video)
  2. Solo Tips (1 video)

Checkpoint 3 - Octave Trick and Left Hand

Two more great tips on sounding country.  Start incorporating these into your playing right now!

  1. Add the Octave (1 video)
  2. Country Left Hand (1 video)

*You'll see these tricks and patterns come alive when you start to play through the "In The Style" songs.  Git 'er done!