Worship Piano
Gospel Piano Lessons
You can learn how to play beautiful worship piano for your church. These lessons will help you discover and play classic hymns, contemporary worship chords, modern Christian songs, and everything else you will need to know to step up as a piano player for your church.
Living on a prayer? Then you are in the right place!

NEED MORE STRUCTURE? Check out the Curriculum Page for Worship Piano
Good Stuff to Know
It’s important to find good charts (music sheets) to use for yourself or your band. If you are new to worship piano or playing by chords, you’ll want to know the different kinds of charts that are out there and where to find them.
Kinds of Charts (music sheets)
Finding Good Charts (music sheets)
The Organ in Worship
The function of the organ in contemporary Christian music is similar to using pads. Here are a few more things that will make the organ sound extra sweet!
Using the Organ in Worship
Pads in Worship
Playing pads (strings, organ, or any sustaining tone) is a great way to get involved with your worship team. For the most part it's pretty simple to find what to play and make a big difference. Here are some sweet tricks to help you on your way.
Pads - Right Hand Drone
Pads - Left Hand Drone
Pads - Pinky Drone
Pads - Fills
Pads - Bigger Chords
NEW Worship Anchor Pinky Trick
Perfect for this progression: Am7 G4 F2 C
Nashville Numbers: 6-7 5(add4) 4(add9) 1
Using this trick will immediately help you achieve the "modern worship sound" for piano. Just keep your right-hand pinky in one spot...you won't regret it!!
C Example
G Example
D Example
E Example
A Example
F# Example
Worship Leader Tips
Maybe you've always felt the calling to be a worship leader, or maybe one day the pastor was looking in your direction just pointed at you. Regardless of how this become your job, here are some tips that will help you along your way.
Leading from Behind the Piano
Choose a Good Singing Key
Simple Intros for Worship
Transitioning to New Keys
Worship Piano Training By KEY
The training below is designed to take common worship-chord-progressions from basic to more advanced in technique and sound. Each lesson will help the student develop new muscle memory in their hands over time. These new skills can then be applied to any song in worship and many other genres.
*It is recommended to train by printing off the PDF and following the worship curriculum on this page.
Worship in C
Setting the Mood for Worship
Sometimes you just need something for an atmosphere of prayer or to transition. Here are some great techniques.
Raindrops from Heaven [Basic] Raindrops (Right Hands Stays) [Intermediate] Raindrops (Walk Down) [Advanced]
Up and Down [Basic] Up and Down [Intermediate] Up and Down [Advanced]
Slow Worship in C
Here is an example of playing contemporary Christian chords in a slow song. Once you develop each skill you should be able to start using them in different keys as well.
Slow Worship [Basic] Slow Worship [Intermediate] Slow Worship [Advanced]
Key of C Worship FAST | (Songs with C, F, G and Am)
Worship in G
Key of G Worship | (Songs with G, Em, D & C)
New Bass Rhythm
Broken Chords
Transition a Speaker
Fills (Play Pretty)
Strings & Pads
Worship in D
Key of D Worship | (Songs with D, G, A and Bm)
Key of D Worship | (Songs with D, Em7, G, G/D, G/B, A, A/C#, Em)
Worship in E
Key of E Worship | (Songs with E, F#m, A, B and C#m)
Worship in A
Key of A Worship (Slow) | (Songs with A, E, F#m, D, A/C#, A/E, G, D/F#, Esus)
Worship in F
Key of F Worship | (Songs with Dm, Bb, F, C)
Take what you have learned above and try it in many different keys. Build those worship chops!
F# Progression Jam
Eb Progression Jam
D Progression Jam
E Progression Jam
Worship in Bb
Key of Bb Worship | (Bb, Bbsus4, Bbsus2, Eb, F, Gm, Cm, D, Dm, & Slash Chords)
Worship in B
Key of B Worship