It all Starts Here!
“The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.”
-B.B. King
Step 1 Overview
*Lesson LINKS are further down this page.
Big Picture Goals
Know the process and stick to it!
Blues Noodling
Learn some licks before adding the rhythms.
Blues Basics
What makes this style sound like this style.
Overview of the Blues
A short history.
The "Stank Face"
How a “look” can sound so good!
Blues Solo Tricks
Breaking down different things you can do in a solo.
Putting It All Together
Now we will take all of the tricks and put them together.
Music Theory
Know what you are doing so that you can do more!
Random Other Stuff
Other things that are good to know.
Find a practice schedule that works for you. Choose a time every day or at least three times a week that you block off to practice. Let your family know : )
Print Checkoff Sheet
Click the link to download and print the check off sheet. This will be important motivation for you. Leave it out in the open to remind you what you are working at accomplishing. >>>Worship Path Step 1<<< Updated on 10/23/2017
1 – Big Picture Goals
So…what do you really need to be thinking throughout this process? Understand what you are shooting for and you’ll make it to the end a lot easier.
2 – Blues Noodling
Noodling is a bad thing in a full group practice, but it can be a great thing when learning new tricks on your own.
3 – Blues Basics
Back to the basics of the blues. There are certain things that make the blues sound right, so you better start working on them now.
Blues Sustain Pedal
Blues Rhythms
Blues Solo Rhythms
OPTIONAL: Other Beginner Stuff [in case you need it]
- Where is Middle C?
- Notes of the Piano (5 Videos)
- Whole Steps and Half Steps (2 Videos)
4 – Overview of the Blues
Check this out for a quick history of the blues. Learn and listen:
5 – The “Stank” Face
This one is to be silly. But honestly, there is waaaay too much truth in this. Sometimes how you look can make you sound better.
6 – Blues Solo Tricks
The following are the first set of tricks that you’ll need to get your hands use to. These are basic but will build your skills to the next level.
Checkpoint 1 – Form and Basic Chords You MUST learn the basic form if you are going to play the blues. There are 12 bars (measures) and they are common in more songs than you know.
- 12 Bar Blues Form (watch all videos)
- 8 Bar Blues Form
- Blues 7th Chords (watch all videos)
Checkpoint 2 – The Key Blues Movement & The Left Hand The right hand must get used to moving in certain ways in order to create the blues sound. You’ll also be able to use this as a nice Gospel sound as well.
- 1 to 4 Movement (watch all videos)
- Basic Left Hand (watch all videos)
Checkpoint 3 – The Blues Scale and Shape Learn to see the blues scale as a shape and it will take you to a whole different level!
- Basic Blues Scale (watch all videos)
- The Blues Shape (watch all videos)
Checkpoint 4 – The Mixolydian Mode & Blues Endings Don’t let the name scare you…the Mixolydian Mode is very powerful in the blues.
- The Mode (watch all videos)
- Basic Blues Ending (watch all videos)
7 – Putting It All Together
Now we are going to take all of the blues tricks from above and weave them into a nice sounding solo. This is how you will construct solos in the future. Do this enough and you’ll eventually move between the tricks without even having to think about it!
8 – Music Theory for the Blues
Theory is great because it allows you to understand and then create at a new level. It connects everything together.
7th Chords Trick Basic
7th Chords Trick Intermediate
9th Chords Trick
9 – Other Random Stuff
Here are a couple more random things that are just good to know: